Create Your Own

Now, it is your turn. Your objective is to choose a topic and create a Prezi for your classroom. Refer back to the Cheat Sheets and Adam Somlai-Fischer's Prezi to ensure you use best practices for development of your presentation.  Present the Prezi to your class during a lesson and write a short reflection on your experience creating and presenting the Prezi.  Include your students' reactions in your reflection.  Embed the link to your Prezi and record your reflection as a response to this post. 


Prezi is easy to read and all elements are so clearly written, labeled, or pictured that another student could create the presentation if necessary.
Prezi is easy to read and most elements are clearly written, labeled, or pictured. Another person might be able to create the presentation after asking one or two questions.
Prezi is hard to read with rough photos and labels. It would be hard for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions.
Prezi is hard to read and one cannot tell what goes where. It would be impossible for another person to create this presentation without asking lots of questions.
Prezi included at least 5 well-placed images, videos, zooms and frames. 
Prezi included 3 well-placed images, videos, zooms and frames.
Prezi included 1 image, video, zoom and frame or these items were not well-placed. 
Prezi includes no images, videos, zooms, or frames. 
All content is in the creator’s own words and is accurate.   
Almost all content is in the creator’s own words and is accurate.
At least half of the content is in the creator’s own words and is accurate.
Less than half of the content is in the creator’s own words and/or is inaccurate.
Required Elements
Prezi included at least 7 sections. Sections were all grouped; a path was used and easily followable.
Prezi included 7 sections, some sections were grouped, a path was used but not easily followable.
Prezi included less than 7 sections, few sections were grouped, and no path was used.
Prezi included less than 5 sections, no grouping was used, and no path was used.